Protect Your Website

Easily Add SSL Encryption through Webhero

Our SSL certificates are one of the quickest ways to start protecting online applications and transactions. With an easy authentication and issuance process, it can take just minutes to get a certificate. With our GeoTrust certificates, you get inexpensive authentication without sacrificing reliability, choice, or convenience.

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SSL Certificates Rapid SSL Geotrust Quick SSL Premium Geotrust True Business ID
Encryption 256 Bit 256 Bit 256 Bit
Key Length 2048-bit root 2048-bit root 2048-bit root
Signature X Dynamic Security Trustmark Dynamic Security Trustmark
Max Length 1-5 Years 1-5 Years 1-2 Years
Validation Type Domain(DV) Domain(DV) Extended(EV)
99%+ Browser Compatibility o o o
Mobile Compatibilty x o o
Retail Price $69.95/yr $249.95/yr $399.95/yr
Hosting Club Price $39.95/yr $199.95/yr $349.95/yr
Wholesale Club Price $29.95/yr $149.95/yr $269.95/yr
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Learn More

What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL is an abbreviation for Secure Sockets Layer. SSL encrypts information when it travels between computers and web hosting servers. SSL ensures that sensitive information like credit card and social security numbers cannot be captured as it moves across the web. You can usually tell if a transaction will be secure because the address typically begins with https://. SSL certificates verify identities and ensure that your customers are secure when completing online transactions. If your website does not have a secure SSL certificate, your customers will receive a warning message that their sensitive information is being passed in a non-secure manner.

Adding an SSL Site Seal

If you currently own or are purchasing a new QuickSSL or True BusinessID certificate, you can add a security seal to your site to confirm it’s authenticity. For instructions on how to do this, please see the support article Adding a GeoTrust Seal.