Protect Your Identity

with Whois Privacy from Webhero

When you register a new domain name, your name, address, phone number and email address are automatically entered in to a public database that can be searched by anyone. This can expose your personal information to spammers, telemarketers, and other undesirable individuals.

Don’t worry, there is a way you can protect your personal information. WebHero offers Domain Privacy that will let you register a domain without fear of exposing this information to the public.

How it Works

When you register your for domain privacy, your Registrant, Administrative, and Technical contact information is replaced with our privacy protection service information. You will still retain full control and ownership of the domain.

Anyone wishing to contact you will be directed to use the service and you can respond to them if you wish.

Without Domain Privacy With Domain Privacy
  • Registrant:
  • John Smith
  • John Smith, Inc.
  • 1234 Main St.
  • City, ST 98765
  • 555-555-5555
  • Registrant:
  • Domain Admin
  • Privacy Protect, LLC (
  • 10 Corporate Drive
  • Burlington, MA 01803
  • +1 802-227-4003

Whois Privacy Protects You From

  • Spammers
  • Identity Thieves
  • Fraud
  • Stalkers
  • Unintentional Identity Disclosure